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Education Enlightened

Shri Mataji emphasized formal and informal education, women’s education and education equality. As a person with love and concern for all humanity, Shri Mataji’s teaching has been a great source of inspiration to different aspects of education focusing on the physical, mental and emotional intelligence of the child in balance. This includes the potential of the person to acquire new abilities and skills quickly and with less effort. Shri Mataji’s teachings show that factors related to home, school, and peers affect the child’s development, his emotional well-being, adjustment and learning process. Her teachings explain how a teacher can re-direct negative behavior of a child into a constructive direction. She talked of ways and methods to control such negative factors and create a peaceful positive environment around children saying this in the environment in which they learn best. According to Shri Mataji, peace within the individual spreads peace and security to all.
Her vision has been to develop an education system that serves the inner security and well-being of a global individual, able to surpass social, caste, gender and economic limitations. Shri Mataji herself established international schools to support an education vision which was based on universal love, she said, at it’s core.
A major contribution and one of great joy and a keen interest of Shri Mataji’s in education; has been Music therapy. According to ancient knowledge which Shri Mataji embraced, Indian classical music can awaken a source of joy within us that brings overall positive health and well-being to our central nervous system. She recommended this music for it’s intrinsic ability to establish balance, it’s positive effect on psycho-somatic states and hormone levels, measurable increases in concentration, and improved attention span. She established a Music Academy in India to create the opportunity to learn these deeper music concepts, music compositions, and their instruments and performance methods.
Multiple research studies in the field of Education in different countries have found and proven her techniques to be significantly effective in the teaching-learning process and in child development. For more information about Shri Mataji, go to

5 To 10 Minutes Of Daily Meditation Can Make a Difference

Sit comfortably in a quiet place, on the ground, in nature or on a chair.

1. Place your right hand on your heart and express the desire to feel the state of Meditation. Your desire is the key.

2. Bring your right hand to your forehead, and say “I forgive and let go.”

3. Next, take your right hand to the top of your head, and say “Please allow me to experience the state of thoughtless meditation.”

Then bring your hand back on the lap, and sit in quiet meditation for a few minutes. Enjoy the peace within.